Tell Your Story to Convey Your Value

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Every business has a story to tell, something uniquely personal that will connect potential customers to their brand. As an entrepreneur or small business owner in this age of social media, you have a great opportunity to attract loyal customers by rethinking the way you convey your company’s core value…Simply tell your story.

It is important to realize what advertisers and savvy marketers understand…that people really don’t buy products and services, they buy stories.  Sure, the products and services you provide have to be high quality and superior to your competitors in the marketplace, but what sets you apart from the pack, draws people to your business and keeps them loyal is the human connection - the personal relationship you initiate, develop and solidify through your story.

Your brand story envelopes your mission as a company, your vision as the founder or owner, your culture and your origin: How did you get started? Why do you do what you do? What is it that motivates you to wake up in the morning?" and "Why are you so passionate about this?"

Human connectivity through storytelling is the key factor to engage potential customers, build long lasting relationships and gain brand loyalty. Here are some suggestions to articulate your core values and humanize your brand:

Define Your Value in Human Terms. It is always temping to define your core value in business terms, correlating it directly with sales. However, that can be very distracting to who you are and who you could become. Your real value is about what you believe in, what you’re trying to do in the world, and how you make others’ lives better. What is an aspect of your business that makes you unique and valuable to the world around you?

Give Your Brand a Persona. Once you know why you matter and how to describe your value, choose the type of person that could best deliver that message. Is it feminine or masculine? Mainstream or quirky? If your business was a human being, who would it be and what would it care about?  

Establish Message Consistency. Make sure that there is common language created around your brand story and provided to all employees so that everyone is on the same page. This language needs to be consistent across all social media as well.

Given there are many products and services in the marketplace and so much noise in the social domain, it’s important to remember that your story is what will differentiate you. Being purposeful to how you exhibit and share your story will make all the difference.

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