The Collective

Collaboratory Experience Blog

Why Good Web Design Matters: Understanding the Functional Aspects Beyond Beauty
Marketing, Design Collaboratory Experience Marketing, Design Collaboratory Experience

Why Good Web Design Matters: Understanding the Functional Aspects Beyond Beauty

In the vast and visually captivating realm of the internet, the importance of good web design transcends aesthetics; it is the linchpin that harmonizes form and function, leaving an indelible mark on user experience. We’ll delve into the key elements of good web design that are essential to provide an exceptional user experience and ultimately contribute to the overall success of your business.

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Important Things to Consider When Conducting Market Research
Marketing Collaboratory Experience Marketing Collaboratory Experience

Important Things to Consider When Conducting Market Research

Market research should never be underestimated. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, gaining a comprehensive view of the current market is vital for long-term success. It’s the simplest way for entrepreneurs to keep up with market trends, maintain a competitive edge and most importantly, get customers.

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Tell Your Story to Convey Your Value
Branding, Entrepreneurship Collaboratory Experience Branding, Entrepreneurship Collaboratory Experience

Tell Your Story to Convey Your Value

Every business has a story to tell, something uniquely personal that will connect potential customers to their brand. As an entrepreneur or small business owner in this age of social media, you have a great opportunity to attract loyal customers by rethinking the way you convey your company’s core value…Simply tell your story.

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Creating a Mission Statement for an Entrepreneurial Venture
Entrepreneurship Collaboratory Experience Entrepreneurship Collaboratory Experience

Creating a Mission Statement for an Entrepreneurial Venture

Many of the entrepreneurs we work with have a hard time explaining exactly what it is that they do, they cannot clearly and concisely articulate their company’s mission. They believe, as most do, that their ideas and drive is enough. They are also under the misconception that a company mission is something that only large corporations need (or have the time to concentrate on). What they begin to realize and something that we reinforce in our teachings is that without a North Star, a guiding direction, an entrepreneur can get lost quickly. Especially in the ever-changing environment of a new venture, a North Star is essential.

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